Travelling with Metoject® PEN
- Always ensure you have sufficient supply of Metoject® Pen for the length of your trip and consider taking additional Metoject® PENs with you in case of delays.
- Ensure that the Metoject® Pen is packed securely, preferably in the original packaging
- It is important that the Metoject Pen is stored at room temperature – between @ 15°C and 25°C (max).
Travelling by Air:
- Should the temperature rise above 25°C in the aircraft cabin, please ask an aircraft attendant to put the pen/s in a fridge on board
- If you are travelling to a warmer climate, consider carrying a small cooling box for transportation.
If Travelling Abroad – Prior To Travel:
- It is highly advisable that you hold documentation to prove your requirement for Methotrexate/Metoject® PEN
- Most countries accept a “Traveller’s Certificate” (see link below) which must be completed by a GP/HCP. Prior to your trip, please ask your GP/HCP to complete this certificate and ensure it is readily available for inspection